Our plant ponmurugan dhall mills is located at no 118, trichy main road, kannampalayam p.o, sulur via, Coimbatore- 641405, Tamilnadu, India.Our plant is expanded about 35000 sq.ft area and has been built as per international standards.
All our unit has full automation and ensures food safety standards and quality norms. We have well equipped lab for testing the quality every 30 minutes batchwise and unit wise under supervision of experienced technical experts. our employees are well educated for maintenance of cleanliness and hygiene and are they are not allowed to bring any outside materials into factory site. Workers are provided with gloves and clothing to ensure the maintenance of food safety and hygiene.
We have provided hostels for our employees and unlimited meals three times completely at free of cost. We take care for their welfare and they care for us. The manufacturing process is totally different than other company’s our each and every unit is controlled under experienced technical experts, and our effective team.
Outlet & Team